How to Develop a Growth Mindset as a CME Writer

A green tree canopy photographed from the ground

Why continuous learning is key for a thriving career in medical writing

The healthcare field is constantly growing and changing, which means that CME/CE writers cannot afford to stand still. Proactively seeking out new opportunities to learn and expand beyond your current skillset is a professional requisite for a long-term career in medical writing. One way to approach the necessary personal and professional growth that comes with choosing to be a medical writer is through cultivating a growth mindset.

Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset: What's the Difference?

“Growth mindset” sounds like an abstract concept you may find in a self-help book, and in some ways, the term can feel rather broad and nebulous. At the root of it, having a growth mindset simply means staying open to the changing and the new. 

In the context of CME/CE writing and the medical field more generally, the ability to embrace and adopt evolving concepts and meet challenges as they arise is more of a necessity than a desirable trait. As new therapies make their way into the market, medical writers need to constantly learn and re-learn not only new concepts and theories but also adopt their workflows to new processes. We need to view challenges as opportunities to grow, not obstacles holding us back. 

fixed mindset vs growth mindset

Fixed mindset vs. growth mindset; The Peak Performance Center

However, that's exactly how someone with a fixed mindset will view the daily challenges that arise as a CME writer. Individuals with a fixed mindset tend to hold self-limiting beliefs about what their capabilities and potential for growth.

When we live in a growth mindset, rather than a fixed mindset, we believe that we're capable of meeting challenges that may seem very difficult at first. Instead of being afraid of failing, we're excited to learn. 

With a growth mindset, we know that intelligence can be developed, work and perseverance pay off, and constructive criticism is our ally. However, if we meet our careers with a fixed mindset, we may end up missing out on exciting professional opportunities.

Are you ready to kickstart your CME medical writing career? Learn the craft of CME medical writing with a WriteCME Pro Membership.

Tips to Develop a Growth Mindset as a CME/CE Writer

Cultivating a sense of openness sounds simple enough but can be difficult to maintain in practice as we're required to get out of our comfort zones to learn and grow. While routines and habits can help keep us on track, they can also lead to a rut and an attachment to sameness. To that end, here are a few tips to keep in mind when practicing lifelong learning and embracing challenges.

Let Go of the Idea of Talent

While natural inclination is undoubtedly real, lacking so-called talent can easily lead you to avoid challenges like learning a new skill, venturing into a new format of CME/CE content, or pursuing opportunities simply because you believe you’re incapable of executing a task. Replacing the idea of talent with patience and love for the (admittedly difficult) process of learning can help you look beyond your current abilities and remain more optimistic and resilient in the face of necessary growth and development.

Recognize and Reframe Limiting Beliefs for Personal Growth

We are constantly constructing narratives about ourselves as we move through our lives and develop careers. These narratives often contain limiting beliefs about what’s possible for us — beliefs created in us through earlier life experiences, beliefs that no longer serve us or reflect reality. They are the nagging voices in our heads that tell us we’re not good enough. Understanding them, where they stem from, and how to move forward can help you clear the way to new possibilities as you begin to foster a growth mindset.

Detach from the Outcome

Focusing on the learning journey versus the outcome is yet another concept that is easier said than done. However, being able to let go of expectations is an important part of the learning process. it can make learning new skills less intimidating and, ultimately, more enjoyable. So sign up for the seminar, course, or conference for the experience of learning something new, not with the expectation of coming back with a whole arsenal of skills. 

Celebrate the Small Steps

Implementing micro-learning throughout your day and focusing on small changes is a much more sustainable path than a sweeping, sudden commitment. Something as simple as listening to a podcast episode or working your way through a self-paced course at the speed of one hour per week can yield greater results than signing up for an intensive 20-week seminar, especially when your resources are already stretched thin. 

Don’t Fear Feedback

When learning a new skill or venturing into unknown territory, actively seek out and embrace feedback from peers, mentors, and clients. Seems simplistic, but often too many of us wait until the feedback is given to us in the form of criticism. Accepting it at this point can feel much more daunting and painful. However, few things are more valuable than the ability to iterate on our work with input from others, and even constructive criticism is a valuable tool for growth.

Becoming a part of a professional community is one of the easiest ways to access a pool of knowledgeable fellow CME/CE writers who can help you develop and grow new skills and ideas. 

Develop a Growth Mindset on Your CME Writing Journey

When we open ourselves to new opportunities to learn and grow, even ones we aren't sure we're ready to take on, we prove to ourselves that we're capable and resourceful - two necessary qualities for becoming a freelance CME writer

When you join the professional community here at Write Medicine, you can develop your skills in a community with other writers who are on the same path as you and enjoy coaching and guidance from someone who has been where you are.

Learn more about how Write CME Pro and Write Medicine's other offerings can help your freelance medical writing journey today, starting with the resources below.

→ Join WriteCME Pro, a CME-specific, skills-based membership for CME writers who are ready to create CME content with confidence. 

Listen to the Write Medicine podcast or watch our YouTube channel for weekly best practices in creating content that connects with and educates health professionals.

→ Subscribe to the Write Medicine newsletter for tips, tools, and tactics to help you create CME/CE content with confidence

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